Articles in International Journals
- Koci, Martin. Shaken Theology: Prolegomena for a Credible Theological Grammar. ET Studies 14:2 (2023): 205-222 [DOI: 10.2143/ETS.14.2.3292207]
- Koci, Martin. After the Theological Turn: Toward a Credible Theological Grammar. Open Theology 8:1 (2022): 114-127 [DOI: 10.1515/opth-2022-0198]
- Koci, Martin. Almost for Nothing: Questioning Sacrifice in Dialogue with Jan Patočka.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 8:2 (2022): 321-336 [DOI: 10.30965/23642807-bja10058]
- Koci, Martin. Christianity after Christendom: Rethinking Jan Patočka’s Heresy. The Heythrop Journal 63:4 (2022): 717-730. [DOI: 10.1111/heyj.13190]
- Koci, Martin. La phénoménologie est-elle une théologie? Jan Patočka entre le tournant théologique et la tâche de penser. Transversalités no. 1 (2021): 87-111 [DOI: 10.3917/trans.156.0087]
- Koci, Martin. The World as a Theological Problem. Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 2:1 (2020): 22-46 [DOI: 10.1163/25889613-bja10002]
- Koci, Martin. Phenomenology and Theology Revisited: Emmanuel Falque and His Critics. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76:2 (2020): 903-26 [DOI: 10.17990/RPF/2020_76_2_0903]
- Koci, Martin. Transforming Representation: Jacques Derrida and the End of Christianity. Open Theology 5 (2019): 116-124 [DOI: 10.1515/opth-2019-0018]
- Koci, Martin. Metaphysical Thinking after Metaphysics: A Theological Reading of Jan Patočka’s Negative Platonism. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79:1-2 (2018): 18-35 [DOI: 10.1080/21692327.2017.1402692]
- Koci, Martin. Sacrifice for Nothing: The Movement of Kenosis in Jan Patočka’s Thought. Modern Theology 33:4 (2017): 594-617 [DOI: 10.1111/moth.12357]
- Koci, Martin. The Experiment of Night: Jan Patočka on War, and a Christianity to Come. Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19:1 (2017): 107-124 [DOI: 10.25180/lj.v19i1.75]
- Koci, Martin. Fighting Hegemony, Saving the Event: Why Theologize with Jean-François Lyotard? Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica 7:2 (2017): 105-125 [DOI: 10.14712/23363398.2017.22]
- Koci, Martin. God in Question: Questioning as a Prerequisite for Theology. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica 4:1 (2014): 51-66. [DOI: 10.14712/23363398.2015.15]
- Koci, Martin. Origins of the Second Vatican Council and Yves Congar. Communio Viatorum 53:2 (2011): 30-50.
Chapters in Collected Volumes
- Koci, Katerina and Martin Koci. Eine ketzerische Deutung der Geschichtsphilosophie: Jan Patočka. In Geschichts-Kritik nach 1945: Aktualität und Stimmenvielfalt. Hg. Burkhard Liebsch. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2023, 399-413.
- Koci, Katerina and Martin Koci. A Hidden Life of Love: Sacrifice in Malick’s Cinematographic Philosophy. In Life above the Clouds: Philosophy in the Films of Terrence Malick. Edited by S. DeLay. Albany: SUNY Press, 2023, 319-335.
- Koci, Martin and Jason Alvis. Transgressing the Boundaries: Introducing Emmanuel Falque. In Transforming the Theological Turn: Debates with Emmanuel Falque. Edited by M. Koci and J. Alvis. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, xiii-xxxviii.
- Koci, Martin. Tearing Off the Veil of Metaphysics: Jan Patočka’s Metaphysical Thinking versus the Postmodern Overcoming of Onto-theology. In Seeking God’s Face. Edited by M. Ryskova. Prague: Charles University Press, 2018, 183-208.
- Koci, Martin. Ein unbekannter Gott. Herausforderungen für die Systematische Theologie in einer postchristlichen und posttotatitären Gesellschaft. In Diaspora als Ort der Theologie. Perspektiven aus Tschechien und Ostdeutschland. Hg. von B. Kranemann, P. Štica. Wüzburg: Echter Verlag, 2016, 169-187.
- Koci, Martin and Pavel Roubik. Searching the Altar of an Unknown God: Tomáš Halík on Faith in a Secular Age. In A Czech Perspective on Faith in a Secular Age. Edited by T. Halik and P. Hosek. Washington D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2015, 97-126.
- Koci, Martin. A Postmodern Quest: Seeking God and Religious Language in a Postmodern Context. In A Czech Perspective on Faith in a Secular Age. Edited by T. Halik and P. Hosek. Washington D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2015, 81-96.
Review Articles
- Review article of ‘Martin Ritter. Into the world: the movement of Patočka’s phenomenology. Springer 2019.’ In Continental Philosophy Review 54:1 (2020): 107-111 [DOI: 10.1007/s11007-020-09516-7]
- Review article of ‘Justin Sands. Reasoning from Faith: Fundamental Theology in Merold Westphal’s Philosophy of Religion. Indiana University Press, 2018.’ In Louvain Studies 43:1 (2020): 81-84.
Academic Essays in Other Languages
- Koci, Martin. Teologii myslet, nikoliv dělat: Několik kritických poznámek k otázce to je teologie [Thinking rather than doing theology: A few critical remarks on the question: ‘What is theology?’. Studia theologia 22:2 (2020): 179-191 [DOI: 10.5507/sth.2020.011]
- Koci, Martin. Theologický obrat jako výzva [The theological turn as a challenge]. Reflexe 58 (2020): 212-228.
- Koci, Martin. Vykročit na cestu kritického dialogu [Towards a critical dialogue]. In Vykročit z uzavřenosti: Festschrift k 70. narozeninám Tomáše Halíka, ed. M. Koci. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny, 2018, 23-31.
- Koci, Martin. Budoucnost náboženství ve věku médií [The future of religion in the age of media]. In Vykročit z uzavřenosti: Festschrift k 70. narozeninám Tomáše Halíka, ed. M. Koci. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny, 2018, 164-177.
- Koci, Martin. Od postmoderní zkušenosti narušení k postmodernímu narušení zkušenosti: hermeneutika náboženské zkušenosti u Kevina Harta a Lievena Boeve [From the postmodern experience of interruption to the postmodern interruption of experience: the hermeneutics of religious experience in Kevin Hart and Lieven Boeve]. In Hermeneutika zkušenosti v křesťanské tradici, ed. Z. Širka, P. Jandejsek, C. Panaitescu. Praha: ETF, 2014, 109-128.
- Koci, Martin. Cuius concilium? Quae reformatio? II. vatikánský koncil a zápas o jeho interpretaci [Cuius concilium? Quae reformatio?Vatican II and the fight for its interpretation]. Salve 22:4 (2013): 121-138.
- Koci, Martin. Trinitární perspektiva teologie náboženství. Nástin přístupu k nekřesťanským náboženstvím v myšlení Gavina D’Costy [Trinitarian perspectives of the theology of religions according to Gavin D’Costa]. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica 2:2 (2012): 61-86 [DOI: 10.14712/23363398.2015.41]
- Koci, Martin. Lieven Boeve a otevřený příběh teologie v postmoderně [Lieven Boeve and the open narrative of theology in a postmodern age]. Teologické texty 22:3 (2011): 139-144.
- Koci, Martin; Mihalik, Martin. Křesťanství jako hegemonický příběh lásky? Postmoderní kritika křesťanství Jeana-Françoise Lyotarda a její teologická reflexe [Christianity as a hegemonic narrative of love? The postmodern critique of Christianity in Jean-François Lyotard and its theological reflection]. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica 1:2 (2011): 105-133 [DOI: 10.14712/23363398.2015.57]
- Koci, Martin. Teologie mezi kontinuitou a diskontinuitou. Nástin postmoderní metody teologie u Lievena Boeve [Theology between continuity and discontinuity: the outline of postmodern theological method in Lieven Boeve]. Studia theologica 13:1 (2011): 54-79.
In addition to my academic writings, I regularly contribute to the Revue of the Czech Christian Academy Universum. There, I publish short essays on books, actual theological questions, and polemics. I have also written a post-script to Tomas Halik’s book Žít s tajemstvím: Podněty k promýšlení víry. From time to time, I like to provoke with my texts on the state of academic world, humanities, and scholarship (on the portals and East-West Church Report, and Theology Research News published interviews about my work and my life of a theologian.
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